When moving

If you move from the International House (international student dormitory) to a private apartment or from one apartment to another, you need to complete various procedures related to moving out and moving in. Please follow the rules so that you can start your new life without any problems.

Procedures for moving out of an apartment

You need to contact the real estate company and the owner of the apartment in which you are living, stop using gas, water, and so on, and calculate what you owe. For more details, see the next page.
Moving out of an apartment or International House

Electricity, gas, and water procedures when moving into an apartment

Once the moving date is set, notify the electric, water, and gas companies that you will be moving and apply for using the service. Some companies may have technician come, so you may need to be present for this.
For contact information, please refer to the contact information on the "Moving out of an apartment or International House" page, here.
gazou You don't have a customer number yet, so you don't need it when you apply for using the service.

Once you start using the service, you must pay the usage fee by a set date every month. If the payment slip is delivered to your mailbox at home, you can also pay at a convenience store.
If you follow the procedure for automatic withdrawal from your bank account, the amount will be automatically deducted each month and you will not forget to pay. Please note that if payment is not made, the use of the system will be suspended.

The internet may be able to refer you to a company affiliated with the real estate agent. If there is no specific referral, you will need to find your own internet vendor.

Take some pictures when you move in

Whenever possible, check walls and floors for scratches or dirt before installing furniture or other items.
If there are any scratches or stains, take a photo and keep it.
This is very important in order to smoothly respond to requests for restoration of the property when you move out.
Reference is here

Notification to City/Ward office

A new residence management system was imposed on July 9, 2012, in Japan. Since then, when non-Japanese residents who have lived in Japan for a medium or long period move to another municipality, they are required to submit a “Moving-out notification” together with their “Moving-in notification.”
The “Moving out notification” must be submitted to the city or ward office that has jurisdiction over your previous address to notify them that you will no longer be a resident of the city or ward.
The “Moving-in notification” is required to be submitted to the city or ward office that has jurisdiction over your new address to notify that you will be a resident of that city or ward.
You need to submit both a “Moving-in notification” and a “Moving-out notification” within 14 days of the day that you have decided your new address. If you do not do this, you may be fined. If you cannot obtain a valid resident card, you may be unable to conduct the necessary procedures or receive essential services as a resident. This makes it especially important not to forget to submit these documents.
Note that you need to submit a “Moving notification” (Notice of address change) within 14 days from your move, even if you have just moved within the same city or ward.
If you hold a My Mumber Card, make sure you bring it with you when you go to the city or ward office for procedures.

Notification to the Post Office

If you give notice of your new address to a post office, mail that has arrived at your previous address will be transferred to your new address free of charge for one year from the date of your notification. This notification can be made by getting a notification form from the post office or you can also apply online.
Japan Post e-moving
Or see "Practical Guide for International Students" here(Japanese?English?Chinese?Korean)

Notification to the Bank

If you have a Japanese bank account, please submit a notification of change of address to your bank.

Make sure to inform your faculty or graduate school at Chiba University that you are moving

Then register your new address via Academic Registration on Student Portal.

Chiba University ISDtoppage