

1 外国人留学生本人が自分でアパートを探し、希望物件を見つけます。
2 その後、賃貸借契約書中の連帯保証人欄に記入?押印する代わりに「アパート入居保証書」をもってかえることを家主又は不動産業者に交渉して了解を得てください。
3 学務部留学生課に以下の書類を提出してください。
(1) 「アパート入居保証書」発行願
(2) 学生証のコピー
(3) 在留カードのコピー
(4) 賃貸借契約書のコピー
※なお、賃貸借契約書がない場合は、アパート名、部屋番号、物件 住所、貸主名、借用個室の構造、借用個室の面積、契約期間のわかる書類を提出してください。
4 学務部留学生課で払込票を発行しますので、指定したコンビニまたは銀行ATMより「留学生住宅総合補償」の保険金を払い込んで、領収書を留学生課窓口に持参してください。
5 上記の書類を提出した日の3日後に、「アパート入居保証書」と「留学生住宅総合補償加入者証」を発行しますので、留学生課まで取りに来てください。
6 「アパート入居保証書」は、家主又は不動産業者に提出し、「留学生住宅総合補償加入者証」は各自保管してください。契約書を受け取ったらコピーを留学生課に提出してください。


  1. 「留学生 住宅総合補償」の期限が切れるとアパートの契約が継続していても、大学が保証人ではなくなりますので必ず期限が切れる前に更新の手続きを行ってください。
  2. 「留学生 住宅総合補償」の期限が切れる前に帰国する場合や千葉大学生でなくなった時には解約手続きを留学生課で行ってください。
  3. 「留学生住宅総合補償」の期限が切れる前に他のアパートに引っ越した場合は、住所変更の手続きを留学生課で行ってください。新しいアパートの「アパート入居保証書」を発行します。

本件照会先:学務部留学生課 電話043-290-2195

Institutional Agreement Guarantee and Comprehensive Renters' Insurance for Foreign Students Studying in Japan

Chiba University provides an institutional guarantee called an "Apartment Tenancy Guarantee" [Apato Nyukyo Hoshosho],on condition that you subscribe to the "Comprehensive Renters' Insurance for Foreign Students Studying in Japan" managed by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES)

Conditions You should be a student-

  • who is studying at Chiba university and having college student visa.
  • who will move into a private apartment which required a guarantor.
  • who will live alone or live with your spouse and children or with international student(s) at Chiba university.
    * In case you live with international student(s) all of you have to join the system.
  • who compliances with the lease contract.


  1. You find an apartment to meet your needs.
  2. You need to check with the landlord or the estate agent if this guarantee is acceptable. In addition, you will have to obtain their consent that "Apartment Tenancy Guarantee" will be issued instead of filling out the guarantor's details in the space allocated on the lease contract and affixing our seal.
  3. You apply for the Institutional Guarantee to International student division, Chiba University. Please submit the application and required documents described on the form.
  4. International Student Division will issue the payment form. Take the payment form to the convenience store you chose or bank ATM to pay the premium for "Comprehensive Renter's Insurance for Foreign Students Studying in Japan."
  5. International Student Division will issue "Apartment Tenancy Guarantee" and a policyholder's certificate 3 days after the application.
  6. You submit Apartment Tenancy Guarantee to the landlord or the estate agent and complete the contract. The policyholder's certificate should be kept yourself. Bring the copy of the contract to International Student Division.


  • This indemnity terminates when the term of your stay terminates, or when the period of your stay in the capacity of a student studying abroad terminates ( that is, when the enrollment expires either by graduation, withdrawal, or otherwise ).
  • If the rental contract for your residence is terminated,or if you change your address or guarantor, make sure to notify the International student division.
  • When you go back to your country or leave Chiba University before"Comprehensive Renters' Insurance for Foreign Students Studying in Japan"is expired, you can cancel it at International Student Division. In order to avoid the trouble , please refer to the following web site of ISD for the things you must do before you go back to your country.


International Student Support section, International Student Division, Chiba University
Phone: 043-290-2195  Fax: 043-290-2198
E-mail: isd@office.chiba-u.jp