
Sein?joki University of Applied Sciences

Sein?joki University of Applied Sciences


Chiba University established the International Exchange Center at Sein?joki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) in 2010 to promote academic research exchange and expand educational opportunities for students.


Sep 2000 Formed a partner university agreement
Sep 2010 Established the International Exchange Center at Sein?joki University of Applied Sciences


The International Exchange Center has been promoting the collaboration in academic and student exchange between Sein?joki University of Applied Sciences and Chiba University.


Sein?joki University of Applied Sciences,
P.O.Box 412 (visiting address: Kampusrantall(FramiF))
FI-60101 Sein?joki, FINLAND

About Sein?joki University of Applied Sciences

About Sein?joki University of Applied Sciences

Located in South Ostrobothnia, West Finland, Sein?joki University of Applied Sciences offers the fields of Food and Hospitality, Business, Culture, Natural Resources, Health Care, and Social Work and Technology) and have about 5,000 students.